City of Bayside rejects Golden Age Group’s big plans for Brighton
Image credit: The Age
The City of Bayside has rejected its own internal advice and refused Golden Age Group’s applications to build 84 townhouses in Brighton – a decision the developer will now fight in court.
The two applications in question related to plans to subdivide land at 47 South Road to create 84 two- and three-bedroom homes, adding a significant residential offering in one of Melbourne’s most sought-after suburbs.
However, the Council unanimously rejected both applications after considerable opposition from the community, including 105 objections to the development application and 54 to the subdivision application.
Objectors raised concerns about potential noise levels, the impact on existing heritage properties, inadequate infrastructure support, overdevelopment, and issues related to overshadowing and overlooking.
Designed by Carr Architects, the proposed development included 172 car parking spaces and 17 bicycle spaces across 14 buildings, covering 75% of the 32,926 sq m site.
Despite the project’s estimated cost exceeding $50 million, it did not qualify for a fast-track process with the Victorian Department of Transport and Planning due to a lack of social housing provisions.
Following the decision, Golden Age Group lodged both applications with VCAT in the hope of having Council’s decision overturned.
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