Published 19 Apr 2022

S2. Ep3. Talking with Andrew Pettenon about Design Management, Construction Contracts much more!

Originally published 19 Apr 2022

In this week’s podcast, we talk with Andrew Pettenon, Director/Owner of RMB Design.  Andrew has a unique background in the construction industry starting off within on-site roles working for Mirvac and Icon then being (arguably) the first Design Manager in the Melbourne commercial building industry.

We spoke about the issues and problems relating to contracts – specifically Design & Construct contracts, getting KPI’s and deliverables right, compliance, and the role of a Design Manager and how it has evolved of the last 15 years.

Amongst other things, in this podcast we discuss:

  • Design Management – the development of the role
  • Procurement issues that will remain as we move towards the back end of Covid
  • Design & Construct contracts
  • Driving factors from a Developers point of view
  • Considerations for developers looking to get into the market

If you have an interest in the Melbourne building industry, building and developing a company within the industry, or have an interest in what takes place within a business of this size, then have a listen.

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